viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

Contextualization of (1808-1814)

In 1808 Spain was under the domination of Napoleón Bonaparte which decepcioned to Manuel Godoy, and he positioned the french army in Spain. Napoleón forced to abdicate king Fernando VII in his brother José Bonaparte, the new king of Spain.
these events provoked a popular rebelion of spanish people.
2 of may of 1808, spanish raised against the french army, they were organiced by a Central Supreme Board, this organization cordinated others boards.
king Jose bonaparte didn´t enjoy acceptance of the spanish.
therefore in 1812, the central supreme board convened a meeting as cortes in Cádiz. Representatives from all territories defended liberalism.
The first decision taken by the parlament was revolutionary.
All present regardless of their origin gathere in one camera. That camera was erected on behalf of the spanish represented the basic principles of political liberalism was drafted.
The parlament also passed laws to abolish the old regime.
In 1814 king fernando VII returned to spain and the liberals wanted the king to sign the constitucion, but the absolutist convinced the king that the best was a restauration of absolutism and Fernando VII gave a coup and closed the courts and cancel the Constitution of 1812. this meant a return of the old regime.

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