jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

10- cathedral Cadiz

10- cathedral Cadiz
For the construction of the Cathedral of Santa Cruz de Cádiz , popularly known as Catedral Nueva, is chosen as the greatest teacher arquitectoVicente Steel works in 1721 , who designed a spectacular baroque church , a Latin cross with three naves and an ambulatory in header inspired by the Cathedral of Granada and Guadix , both of Siloam Diego . The genius of the author is to melt the tradition of the great Spanish cathedrals with forms from the Italian Baroque . So the plant is of Gothic origin, and powerful ambulatory movement participates itself rich Borromini and Guarini lines .
Until 1729 the works of leading Steel following his own daring project , which included two towers facade and dome over the crossing with colossal dimensions.
But the council did not approve the continuation of his work and finally remove him from office.
It happens in the post Gaspar Cayon and his nephew in 1759 , Torcuato Cayon de la Vega , a local architect that marks the transition from Baroque to Neoclassicism in the reforming of the facade and elevations and shortening the predicted height dome and towers, the crowning of statues , introducing the French taste in the work. When he died ( 1783 ) there is still to conclude from the vaults and dome , almost a third of the total, succeeded in Miguel Olivares charge.
For technical differences on how to continue the work, the council consulted the Royal Academy of San Fernando in Madrid , so King Charles IV , in 1790 , declared protector of the same names director Manuel Machuca them.
In 1796 the works were paralyzed, over a long period full of events of great importance for the country weather: The War of Independence , the General and Extraordinary Cortes, and restoration of the absolutist regime of Ferdinand VII , including the parentheses Liberal Triennium.
Finally, when for reasons of economy and rush the Valencian Juan Daura works resumed in 1832 , they are still considerably reducing the height of the drum and dome - and without flashlight to its present state , the less graceful how many had previously considered , it being the works were finished in 1853.

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