lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014


In this post I will discuss which were the purpose and main features of the 1812 Constitution:
Firstly this Constitution constituted by the basic principles of political liberalism:


Besides, one of the purposes of the Cortes of Cadiz was the abolition of the old regime, this involved a deletion of the domains, the abolition of guilds, suppression of the Inquisition and spanish equal  before the law.

But the war situation prevented apply everything legislated.

viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

Contextualization of (1808-1814)

In 1808 Spain was under the domination of Napoleón Bonaparte which decepcioned to Manuel Godoy, and he positioned the french army in Spain. Napoleón forced to abdicate king Fernando VII in his brother José Bonaparte, the new king of Spain.
these events provoked a popular rebelion of spanish people.
2 of may of 1808, spanish raised against the french army, they were organiced by a Central Supreme Board, this organization cordinated others boards.
king Jose bonaparte didn´t enjoy acceptance of the spanish.
therefore in 1812, the central supreme board convened a meeting as cortes in Cádiz. Representatives from all territories defended liberalism.
The first decision taken by the parlament was revolutionary.
All present regardless of their origin gathere in one camera. That camera was erected on behalf of the spanish represented the basic principles of political liberalism was drafted.
The parlament also passed laws to abolish the old regime.
In 1814 king fernando VII returned to spain and the liberals wanted the king to sign the constitucion, but the absolutist convinced the king that the best was a restauration of absolutism and Fernando VII gave a coup and closed the courts and cancel the Constitution of 1812. this meant a return of the old regime.
If we take a little look back we find a very significant city for this country and that one day this city was Spain , and therefore this collects many events, many monuments steeped in history, these monuments are going to visit next .
A preview of our tour of the Constitutional Cádiz, the honorary visit to the 1812 Constitution monument, we'll be in the Oratory of San Felipe Neri, one of the most important places in Spain , do you know why ? I unveil it then on top of that we will see the Cathedral of Cadiz , the famous Post Office building , the Central Market, the Plaza de las Flores, besides spending and admire the Puertas de Tierra . Let's start ...
1 - Arrive at Cadiz, and the train station to go see the monument to the 1812 Constitution , through the Plaza de San Juan de Dios.
2 - Once in the Plaza of Spain , looking at Monument to the Constitution , design architect Modesto López Otero and sculptor Aniceto Marinas , if we start to analyze it in order, ( I left to right ) , we can find an equestrian statue , proclaiming peace if we turn our view a bit more to the right are carved in a kind of curved wall , the secretary of Las Cortes accompanied by deputies who swear the Constitution March 19, 1812 . Below is a sculpture , which portrays agriculture, one of the topics discussed at Las Cortes de Cádiz .
Right in the center of the sculpture found an empty throne, with three lilies ( representative of the House of Bourbon element ), the Fernando VII , who was incarcerated in France , and that the Spaniards , who worked in making the Constitution not thought to forget their king now in the center of parliamentary hemisciclo , a tower as a kind of pillar 32 feet high , holding the Constitution of 1812, held by a female figure , La Pepa , with a sword sustained by his hand , symbolizing justice (the sword )
A little further to the right we find a sculptural group that represented the citizens of the city to the battle and then represents the Defense Board of Cadiz , which does not yield to the king Jose Bonaparte, and the city will answered the king :

" The city of Cádiz , faithful to the principles
he has sworn not recognize other
 King Fernando VII "

Finally found another rider, symbolizing war.
This is what it looks like the monument in one of its parts, the back is Hercules, who according to legend this was the founder of Cádiz plus a carved names, representing American deputies who participated in the enactment .
* This monument was built in that place so that when the crews of the fleets docked in the port of Cadiz, saw this monument as first image of Cádiz , wanted to use this as the Statue of Liberty (New York), but with the psao time has been built and the monument was no sight of the person that came through the port of Cadiz.
3 - Walking reach Plaza Mina, and from there march to the Plaza de San Felipe , where we find the iconographic and historical Museum and Las Cortes de Cádiz site , the Oratory of San Felipe Neri and the Museum Visitor to Oratorio.
4 - Oratory Museum visitor . This museum will help us get into Cadiz early S. XIX.
This museum shows some sections of the city as it was at the time.
Near the end of the eighteenth century foreigners accounted for 10% of the population of that city. Due to the intense commercial activity , Cádiz attracted many foreigners to the city, especially Italian and French , which helped to bring into the city a taste for opera and architecture of new illustrated and new ideas and ways of dressing others as eg glass shading , from England , and it was customary for him to be brought were liberals.
One of the trends that emerged was language learning in the knowledge of women.

Basically this is the summary of what you will find in this museo.